Monday 15 December 2014

Ancillary Production pitch

Planning My Ancillary products: Digipak Mock Up

Below is my digipak. After showing a few people my draft drawings,  I have decided to change my front cover, I will keep the image to a mid close up but I will change the background as I don't think this colour will suit what the artist will wear and also it will be hard to create on Photoshop. I have opted to design a background on Photoshop and will use it consistently throughout my digipak and advertisement. I have made a final decision on what my artist will wear, she will dress in a hip hop 90's style of a white turtleneck and orange bomber jacket paired with hoop earrings which is our synergy (can be seen throughout music video). The back will have a minimalistic style, I will either put the tracklist in a square box with the same background design as the front or I will have each tracklist have an individual box with the same design in the back. I will have to make this decision when creating my actual product as I may find that it might not look aesthetically pleasing. Some people have suggested that i make my them a black and white one which will give a sense of 90's nostalgia, but mainly that my artist is of the R'n'B genre and is upcoming, also by making the filter black and white it will give a strong vibe of power and it will make the image clearer. I also found out that it is common for R'n'B artists to use a black and white them for their covers, especially when the album relates to struggle, love and relationships, which mine does. So I will also keep this idea in mind when producing my digipak. 

Planning My Ancillary products: Our Tracklist and Album name

As a group we have decided to come up with our tracklist and name of album together. The rest of our digipak and advertisement ideas will be made separately.

Here is what we've chosen:


  1. Moving on
  2. Where did we go
  3. Crazy in love
  4. I can't breathe
  5. Baby boy
  6. Fantasy
  7. His way
  8. Gone
  9. Better without you
  10. Come back
Name of Album: Back & Forth

Thursday 11 December 2014

Researching Ancillary products: Analysis of real ancillary work

Real Ancillary work examples

Analysing previous work

practise - digipak

This is my practise album cover using a reeally bad photo, i changed the colour of her shirt to red and i added a gradient background. In this lesson we looked at how to edit on photoshop by using a really bad photo to show us that sometimes people come back with really bad photos to edit so we need to be careful with the pictures we take and think properly about how we want the pictures.

Digipak practice

In today's lesson we were given this picture and had to produce a digipak with it in order to practice how to make one. I came up with name for the artist Akeeva Williams and also came up with an album name. Using photoshop I cropped out the pictures original background and placed the image onto the front cover. I made the background purple and came up with a tracklist which i put on the back of the digipak. I then went onto google and found a record label logo, barcode and some copyright information. 

Looking back, I should included additional info such as the artist's website and also put information on the spine of the digipak. I also shouldn't have let the artist's name extend onto the spine of the digipak. Thirdly, I think the green was a bit of a random colour and doesn't necessarily fit with the rest of the colour scheme. In conclusion,  I definitely enjoyed this task and look forward to producing my own digipak. This task was all about trial and error and has shown me what works and what doesn't when it comes to making digipaks.

Analysing real ancillary work

Analysing previous student's work

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Monday 8 December 2014

Design Brief

Do's and Dont's of Ancillary Work

In today's lesson we looked at things we should be doing and things we should stay clear from doing they are as follows:


  • I should make sure the colours I use work well with my genre R and B.
  • I should make sure the font colour I use doesn't clash with the other colours on my digipak and advertisement.
  • I should make sure the pictures I use are clear and in focus.
  • I should make sure the barcade,date of release, record label logo, copyright info, website, title of the album, name of my artist (Vishay) and artist website are visible.
  • Be very creative, and use technology such as Photoshop to transform my work into a professional standard.


  • I shouldn't stretch any images but rather use ones that can fit my ancillary work.
  • I shouldn't place any text on top of my artist's face but rather at the side top or bottom of my picture.
  • I shouldn't use fonts that look too word document like e.g Times New Roman font but rather use fonts that are more creative. I can find a whole range of different fonts on
  • I shouldn't use too many photos for the sake of filling up space. Instead I should only use pictures where they're needed.
  • I shouldn't use any unnecessary effects which don't compliment my genre.

Friday 5 December 2014

Our Music Video Titles and Inspiration

Because we were under time pressure we didn't want to spend too long choosing title fonts and colours so if we felt something didn't work or fit in with our music video we quickly dismissed it. When it came to picking a colour for our titles, I tried out purple and red but it just seemed too bright so we ended using black and white. I had to use the wide frame tool to make sure all the text was at the centre of the page and also make sure they were all of a similar size.

The reason we decided to include titles such as the name of the artist, name of the song and name of the director is because within the R and B genre many music videos include this. Artists such as Jennifer Hudson, Ciara and Miguel all have this shown in their music videos as you can see below.

Editing Behind the scenes

jessica peralvo's Slidely by Slidely Slideshow

Here is how i edited the behind the scenes footage and pictures. I used iMovie to edit them all together. I had to crop the videos i filmed, imported the pictures and videos, played around with the transitions, added titles for each change in location and date, added music to make the video more intresting.

Final Behind the scenes

i got all the footage and pictures from the whole process which i took on my phone to make one whole behind the scenes which sums up the whole filming process.

Party scene

Finished Music Video!

We have finally finished our music video!! Yayyy! Here is Antonia and Bernice signing our group off the checklist.

The end

Editing Process 5th Dec 2014

Thursday 4 December 2014

Motion title sequence tester

I made a quick title sequence on motion for our music video. I looked up how to make a title sequence on youtube so I could have an idea of how to make it as I forgot how to make it, we want to have something similar to this.

Editing: Todays lesson 4 December

In todays lesson I made a prezi about editing and filters that we could put on our music video and how to make filters and adding effects such as fades.

Antonia edited the footage as the music video is due tomorrow so we need to make sure the video is done by this lesson or we're going to have to stay behind for lunch or stay after school today.

Music videos

These music videos have similar filters that can be used to show that the song is sad for example a completely black and white filter or a discoloured filter or these filters can be used to show the past.

there are close ups to show the emotion in the singers face which is also good to express themselves to the audience so that they feel the same and build a connection

location shots  and title sequence to show the place which is seen a lot in RnB Songs.

Filters and Effects

Editing Process 4th Dec 2014

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Filming monday

These are the pictures I took of the proccesss before filming on monday. i couldnt stay too long because i had a lesson after but Bernice and Antonia filmed a party scene. on Youtube we found a clip on disco lights for the part scene.

Monday 1 December 2014

Filming process 1st Dec 2014

Antonia Enemuwe's Slidely by Slidely Slideshow

Today, we filmed our party scene. Over the weekend I had a look through R and B music videos on Youtube which included party scenes and looked closely for ones I felt were most successful in technique. Jennifer Hudson's Spotlight video was very effective in my opinion as when she walks into the club we instantly know this by the darkness combined with the different coloured lights.

 We didn't have a disco light like the one used in Jennifer Hudson's video however we did have Youtube so we decided to go on Youtube and search for a disco light effect. I then attached the top light to the camera and turned the lights off. I was a bit hesitant at first about filming in college as I didn't want our music video in the slightest way shape or form to look school-like. But we managed to filmed in front of a black curtain and when we showed it to our teacher and peers they said the scene looked very much believable.