Lmfao - Party Rock Aanthem is a prime example of Illustration as the song is upbeat with a fast tempo which correlates to the enthusiastic break dancing moves in the music video.
Next, we have an example of Amplification through the song Katy Perry - Roar. The song is set in a jungle with animals which correlates to the song title 'Roar' but also expands into another meaning: One of confidence. As she stands in the midst of many animals, some of which we know to be dangerous, she shows her confidence.
An example of disjuncture would be Lady Gaga - Bad Romance as the song is about a bad relationship in which she stills seeks love. However in the video she seems to be wearing quite weird outfits and the storyline doesn't seem to make sense at all. Most if not all of Lady Gaga's music videos are examples of disjuncture as she herself is a very spontaneous artist.
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