Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Laura Mulvey theory

Based on Laura Mulvey representation of women in the media is that women are only for male pleasure, her theory applys to musc videos too as the video producers have the ideal appearance for women so they make that ideal image come true so that other men can also have the pleasure of seeing the women. women are seen like this in pop videos,RnB music videos, grime music videos and rap videos.

These two videos are great examples of this as you can only see this theory:

Enrique iglesias walks into a striper club and they are half naked and he goes from one woman to another woman to being surrounded by a pile of women.When ludacris is in the cab hes with women around him.

Women epoil themselves to sell more music and get more views on their music videos as music videos sells the artist and promotes them, so women feel the need to catch up with this.

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