Thursday 30 October 2014

29th October- Filming

The day we picked up the equipment on the (29th of october) we didn't get to film as planned because it was raining but we went to antonias house to re-schedule everything so that the next day we knew exactly where to film and what we were going to film.

On the 30th october Antonia done bernices make up and filmed around 5 for a bit outside but the footage was too dark and it didn't go with the rest of the scenes we have and it would have been too much of a contrast if we did put what was recorded in tot he film. Even with the dedo light that i was holding it just looked like a spot light and you could see our shadows and it didn't look right. I couldn't stay too long because I had to go to band rehersals which was changed recently in september, so I left at 6:30pm.

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