Thursday 2 October 2014

Planning: Pitch - Song Choice- Bernice

We have chosen the song 'Where Did We Go' by the artist Misha B. 

The song has no music video to it which is great as it allows us to have a very wide and open perspective. We have looked at this artists other music videos and find that they all are quite repetitive, as most of them include her dancing with a big group of dancers behind her, or her in different locations moving around a little while she performs the song. We have decided we will not have dancing in ours as it will not go well with our concept but we will focus more on the artist herself and her performing the song. In her other music videos her locations are either in a studio or outside in empty locations; on a rooftop, in a basket ball court, our own locations for our music video will mostly be outside in empty streets that have a lot of lighting above, but we will not use a studio as that would cost us money. 
The concepts in her music video are based around love, relationships and moving on from this 'heartbreak', our concept will be similar as the lyrics of the song connote these themes and we will also show this through our visuals in the music video.
 Below we have annotated the lyrics and brainstormed some thoughts the lyrics reflected to us.

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