Friday 31 October 2014

31st October-Filming

On Friday 31st october we started filming a bit delayed from what we origionally planned as it took a bit long for Antonia to do Bernices make up as soon as she was done we headded to shoreditch to film there. I carried the light and the batteries in my bag as it was too much equipment to carry so I put it in my bag whci was so much easier but really heavy. 

we built a set up for the purple background which was my bed sheets and flipped two tables and put the bed sheet on it like a bed, it looked really good on the footage when we looked over it. Antonia filmed and I wasnt the light person this time as there was already enough light and it looked like a spot light, instead Antonia said why not have a fan to make the bed sheets move to give it a nice effect but the man at lift couldnt find a fan bvut luckily bernice got a newspaper so i had to be the fan person and make the wind(which was very tiering).

after many hours of filming we decided it was time for a break and we had to to have lunch as we were very tired so we went to subway near lift so we could eat at lift. Someone in the building accidently set off the fire alarm so we all had to be evacuated and the firebrigade came this wasted our time and we needed to film as soon as possible. The guy that said he would be in our music video didn't turn up so luckily another guy over heard antonia asking the man at lift and he offered himself to be filmed which was great. 

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