Wednesday 1 October 2014

Research: Analysing previous A2 work

22. Siobhan, Vanessa, Rebecca, Can from 283goswell on Vimeo.

This music video is really good as they have many different aspects that make the music video good and visually intresting for example:

- Fast motion at the begining goes with the song as

- There are many diffrent fades to show different things such as him moving around to locations or just to changes of locations and also to show him switching positions on the sofa.

- The music video is edited so that it looks faded as the song is like the artist is mumbling and sounds quite drowsy.

- There is an editing skill shown quite a few times where the clip goes backwards and forwards which really matches the song as it sounds like the song is going backwards and forwards for example when he shatters the glass and also when he's walking on the streets.

- The locations are outside in shoreditch, city streets, house outside and inside the house. The graffiti wall behind him whilst he's singing really suits the genre and the so does the clothes hes wearing becuase it looks like he just came out of a party.

- Some parts of the video is from the point of view of the guy lipsyncing

- Some parts of the song are shot really fast and then slowed down to match the song as the song sounds faded/echoey and he looks like he's drunk as he has props such as pills, beer bottle and he's smoking so the video matches the song really well.

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