Friday 31 October 2014

Filming process 31st Oct 2014

Today was a HUGE success. We all decided, learning our previous mistakes, that we were going to wake up and start filming early as well. Bernice came to mine at around 10am. I made a start on her makeup at quarter past 10 and finished by quarter to 11. Jessica arrived at 10:30am and we left my house at 11:30am prompt. Our first location was Shoreditch which is only 10 minutes away from my house by bus. We took the 135 to Shoreditch and as soon as we got to our first location set up straight up away. (Thank God we had learnt how to use the equipment on Wednesday or else we would have been stuffed!) Our first location was a dead end road, and we had no problems filming until we realised that the road wasn't long enough for our artist to sing the whole song through till the end. So we decided to use the pavement instead as it was longer. After we finished filming in our Shoreditch location we headed back to my house we dropped some of our bags in exchange for lighter ones and then made our way to our next location Lift, in angel. The good thing is that I live in central London so it is pretty much easy to get to all of our destinations. Before entering Lift, we made a quick stop at Subway (There's no way I was skipping lunch just to film. I love food way too much) When we got to Lift, we quickly had a break and ate our lunch before resuming to our filming. We brought along all of our makeup kit so that I could touch up our artist's face, rearranged the room we were using, hung our purple bed sheet cover over two tables and began to film our purple scene. I came up with the idea for Jessica to use a newspaper as a fan and stand beside Bernice waving the newspaper up and down so that Bernice's hair could move. I got this idea from many of the  R and B music videos I researched where most of them seem to have a scene where there hair is blowing for added effect. We shot this scene in fast, slow and normal motion. After spending an 2 hours doing this we were ready to shoot our next scene. However the boy who agreed to film with us yesterday hadn't even turned up! We began to panic. I went to the common room of Lift and began to ask around. In the end a boy who had said he couldn't do it when we asked him yesterday agreed to be in our music video. I then filmed the couple scene and we finished filming around 8pm.

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