Thursday 30 October 2014

Filming process 30th Oct 2014

Today we planned to film our street shots of the camera tracking our artist as she walks down the pavement. We planned to start filming at around 2pm but because Bernice had an art trip and I spent way too long doing her makeup we ended up being ready to shoot at around about 5pm which was way too late as it was beginning to get very dark as you can see in the pictures below.

When we did get round to filming properly it was 6pm as we had to walk to our location and set up. But, Jessica had to leave at 6:30pm for her music class. I did attempt to film Bernice as well as hold the dedo light with its stand but that obviously didn't work out. It was a DISASTER! We were very frustrated especially myself as I had spent time and effort doing Bernice's makeup beforehand. We went back to mine and put all the equipment back. In order not to let the day we decided to take pictures that could potentially be used for our digipaks so as not to let the day go to waste. We then went over to Lift (one of our chosen locations) to confirm with Ian (a worker there) if we could still use the premises and decided to also look for a boy for our music video whilst we were there. After some persuasion, a young guy who uses the gym at Lift agreed to meet us at lift this Friday to film our couple scene. RESULT! Turn's out today wasn't such a disaster after all. From this, we definitely realised that if we wanted to get a successful day of filming down we were going to have to start filming a hell of a lot earlier.

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