Wednesday 29 October 2014

Filming process 29th Oct 2014

Today as the weather forecast had predicted it rained. Bernice and I went to college to pick up the equipment whilst Jessica met us there. We picked up a fig rig, tripod, dedo light, dedo light stand, dedo light batteries, the college camera, the college camera batteries and  our memory cards. We then headed back to my house in hopes that the rain would stop and that we could get a bit of filming done. NO CHANCE! It didn't stop raining till about 6pm by which it was already pitch black outside. We didn't want to let the day go to waste so we decided to get ourselves familiar with all the equipment. In fact, I'm quite happy we didn't film today because the amount of time it took us to work out how to attach the dedo light onto it's stand and switch it on would have meant we would have probably started filming well past all of our bedtimes! Hopefully, we have more luck shooting tomorrow.

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