Saturday 1 November 2014

Quick Filming Re-cap


We had originally planned to film on Wednesday afternoon, at Shoreditch, but had to put it on hold as it was raining heavily and we didn't want any rain in our shots also we had to think about the safety of our equipment. Also we had decided to use my camera (Nikon D1500), instead of the college one as it was of better quality and was significantly lighter, only problem was that meant that we couldn't use the fig rig.


We had decided the day before we would meet at a later time as I wasn't available in the morning, so we would meet for 2 pm to start filming. We all arrived and Antonia started on my make-up, we didn't expect it to take so long, as it was already dark outside wen we wanted to film. we don't want dark shots in our music video, we had planned for everything to be in day light or natural lighting (when in a studio).
So that day was another let down for us, so we decided to start bright and early the next day.


We started doing my make up before 10 am, and we started filming by 11:20 at shoreditch. We were filming at shoreditch until 3 o'clock, the weather was great that day for us to do our street shots, except the sun interacting much more than we had wanted it to. As we were filming in the street, we were interrupted by cars a few times, but not as much as people who kept coming directly into our shots or walking and stopping directly in front of the camera, this was a bit annoying but there was nothing we could do other than re-do it.

After we had shot the Shoreditch scenes we went back to Antonia's house to pick up all we needed for Lift (were we shot the rest of our scenes). we headed over to lift and started setting up for the purple scene, whilst we were preparing for the purple scene we had to also make sure our extra, who plays the role of the boyfriend/lover, was there. He wasn't. This was of annoyance to us but we found a solution, one of the boys at this youth club offered to fill in for us. It was awkward as we didn't know him but we had a music video to get done and also it was getting late. By the time we had finished it was already past 8 pm and we had clear up and head back out to Antonia's to drop the equipment.


We were going to use this Saturday to film some extra shots but the lift place is close, so that would be hard for us to do anything and also it rained so that was a no go for us as well.

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