Monday 15 December 2014

Ancillary Production pitch

Planning My Ancillary products: Digipak Mock Up

Below is my digipak. After showing a few people my draft drawings,  I have decided to change my front cover, I will keep the image to a mid close up but I will change the background as I don't think this colour will suit what the artist will wear and also it will be hard to create on Photoshop. I have opted to design a background on Photoshop and will use it consistently throughout my digipak and advertisement. I have made a final decision on what my artist will wear, she will dress in a hip hop 90's style of a white turtleneck and orange bomber jacket paired with hoop earrings which is our synergy (can be seen throughout music video). The back will have a minimalistic style, I will either put the tracklist in a square box with the same background design as the front or I will have each tracklist have an individual box with the same design in the back. I will have to make this decision when creating my actual product as I may find that it might not look aesthetically pleasing. Some people have suggested that i make my them a black and white one which will give a sense of 90's nostalgia, but mainly that my artist is of the R'n'B genre and is upcoming, also by making the filter black and white it will give a strong vibe of power and it will make the image clearer. I also found out that it is common for R'n'B artists to use a black and white them for their covers, especially when the album relates to struggle, love and relationships, which mine does. So I will also keep this idea in mind when producing my digipak. 

Planning My Ancillary products: Our Tracklist and Album name

As a group we have decided to come up with our tracklist and name of album together. The rest of our digipak and advertisement ideas will be made separately.

Here is what we've chosen:


  1. Moving on
  2. Where did we go
  3. Crazy in love
  4. I can't breathe
  5. Baby boy
  6. Fantasy
  7. His way
  8. Gone
  9. Better without you
  10. Come back
Name of Album: Back & Forth

Thursday 11 December 2014

Researching Ancillary products: Analysis of real ancillary work

Real Ancillary work examples

Analysing previous work

practise - digipak

This is my practise album cover using a reeally bad photo, i changed the colour of her shirt to red and i added a gradient background. In this lesson we looked at how to edit on photoshop by using a really bad photo to show us that sometimes people come back with really bad photos to edit so we need to be careful with the pictures we take and think properly about how we want the pictures.

Digipak practice

In today's lesson we were given this picture and had to produce a digipak with it in order to practice how to make one. I came up with name for the artist Akeeva Williams and also came up with an album name. Using photoshop I cropped out the pictures original background and placed the image onto the front cover. I made the background purple and came up with a tracklist which i put on the back of the digipak. I then went onto google and found a record label logo, barcode and some copyright information. 

Looking back, I should included additional info such as the artist's website and also put information on the spine of the digipak. I also shouldn't have let the artist's name extend onto the spine of the digipak. Thirdly, I think the green was a bit of a random colour and doesn't necessarily fit with the rest of the colour scheme. In conclusion,  I definitely enjoyed this task and look forward to producing my own digipak. This task was all about trial and error and has shown me what works and what doesn't when it comes to making digipaks.

Analysing real ancillary work

Analysing previous student's work

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Monday 8 December 2014

Design Brief

Do's and Dont's of Ancillary Work

In today's lesson we looked at things we should be doing and things we should stay clear from doing they are as follows:


  • I should make sure the colours I use work well with my genre R and B.
  • I should make sure the font colour I use doesn't clash with the other colours on my digipak and advertisement.
  • I should make sure the pictures I use are clear and in focus.
  • I should make sure the barcade,date of release, record label logo, copyright info, website, title of the album, name of my artist (Vishay) and artist website are visible.
  • Be very creative, and use technology such as Photoshop to transform my work into a professional standard.


  • I shouldn't stretch any images but rather use ones that can fit my ancillary work.
  • I shouldn't place any text on top of my artist's face but rather at the side top or bottom of my picture.
  • I shouldn't use fonts that look too word document like e.g Times New Roman font but rather use fonts that are more creative. I can find a whole range of different fonts on
  • I shouldn't use too many photos for the sake of filling up space. Instead I should only use pictures where they're needed.
  • I shouldn't use any unnecessary effects which don't compliment my genre.

Friday 5 December 2014

Our Music Video Titles and Inspiration

Because we were under time pressure we didn't want to spend too long choosing title fonts and colours so if we felt something didn't work or fit in with our music video we quickly dismissed it. When it came to picking a colour for our titles, I tried out purple and red but it just seemed too bright so we ended using black and white. I had to use the wide frame tool to make sure all the text was at the centre of the page and also make sure they were all of a similar size.

The reason we decided to include titles such as the name of the artist, name of the song and name of the director is because within the R and B genre many music videos include this. Artists such as Jennifer Hudson, Ciara and Miguel all have this shown in their music videos as you can see below.

Editing Behind the scenes

jessica peralvo's Slidely by Slidely Slideshow

Here is how i edited the behind the scenes footage and pictures. I used iMovie to edit them all together. I had to crop the videos i filmed, imported the pictures and videos, played around with the transitions, added titles for each change in location and date, added music to make the video more intresting.

Final Behind the scenes

i got all the footage and pictures from the whole process which i took on my phone to make one whole behind the scenes which sums up the whole filming process.

Party scene

Finished Music Video!

We have finally finished our music video!! Yayyy! Here is Antonia and Bernice signing our group off the checklist.

The end

Editing Process 5th Dec 2014

Thursday 4 December 2014

Motion title sequence tester

I made a quick title sequence on motion for our music video. I looked up how to make a title sequence on youtube so I could have an idea of how to make it as I forgot how to make it, we want to have something similar to this.

Editing: Todays lesson 4 December

In todays lesson I made a prezi about editing and filters that we could put on our music video and how to make filters and adding effects such as fades.

Antonia edited the footage as the music video is due tomorrow so we need to make sure the video is done by this lesson or we're going to have to stay behind for lunch or stay after school today.

Music videos

These music videos have similar filters that can be used to show that the song is sad for example a completely black and white filter or a discoloured filter or these filters can be used to show the past.

there are close ups to show the emotion in the singers face which is also good to express themselves to the audience so that they feel the same and build a connection

location shots  and title sequence to show the place which is seen a lot in RnB Songs.

Filters and Effects

Editing Process 4th Dec 2014

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Filming monday

These are the pictures I took of the proccesss before filming on monday. i couldnt stay too long because i had a lesson after but Bernice and Antonia filmed a party scene. on Youtube we found a clip on disco lights for the part scene.

Monday 1 December 2014

Filming process 1st Dec 2014

Antonia Enemuwe's Slidely by Slidely Slideshow

Today, we filmed our party scene. Over the weekend I had a look through R and B music videos on Youtube which included party scenes and looked closely for ones I felt were most successful in technique. Jennifer Hudson's Spotlight video was very effective in my opinion as when she walks into the club we instantly know this by the darkness combined with the different coloured lights.

 We didn't have a disco light like the one used in Jennifer Hudson's video however we did have Youtube so we decided to go on Youtube and search for a disco light effect. I then attached the top light to the camera and turned the lights off. I was a bit hesitant at first about filming in college as I didn't want our music video in the slightest way shape or form to look school-like. But we managed to filmed in front of a black curtain and when we showed it to our teacher and peers they said the scene looked very much believable.


Sunday 30 November 2014

Proportal-Progress review 2

For the second blogging health check I got 15 out of 20 which I think is quite good but hopefully I get more blogging done to boost up the B- grade to maybe a B+ as I really do want do a media related course at university or do a foundation year.
I am no longer on cause for concern which is good as I don't need to worry about that anymore but i still need to focus on making my blog posts more visually intresting by using different media which is what my teacher said to improve.

Friday 28 November 2014

28 November filming

Friday filming by Slidely Slideshow

On friday we all came in to film these are some of the pictures i took of the process. Antonia did Bernices make up but while she did that I set up the light stand and put in the memory card on to the camera. we used the dedo light and the dimmer to make give the music video an urban feel and also for the bridge of the song where its sad as shes remenising the moments she had with her ex so by having the dimmed light it gives it a good effect. The room we used was quite small so we had to take out the table and chairs so that we could have enough space and to darken the room we put a white sheet on the room so that no extra light comes in whilst we're trying to have a dimmed efffect. We also locked the door to avoid having people coming in to the room whilst we're filming plus and also so that no ectra light comes through.

Filming process 28th Nov 2014

Today we filmed our white wall scene. I was inspired to recreate this scene from Porsha Williams' music video Flatline where she too sings against a white wall and looks emotional. We weren't going to use any more shots other than the purple scene, couple scene and outside tracking scene but our teacher Rebecca told us three wouldn't be enough. We also don't use the couple scene after the chorus so it would have been difficult to cut only between 2 scenes for the rest of the video. We had the dedo light in the corner of the room and Jessica dimmed the light dimmer and brighter just to add to the sadness of our video. I made sure to focus all my shots because some of the shots I filmed last time were blurry and I didn't want to make the same mistake again. All that's left to shoot is the party scene which will be shot on Monday.

Makeup Look Number 3

For this look we decided to go for something very neutral as our artist is singing against the wall in her house and we didn't want her to look over dressed. We opted for minimal eyeshadow some eyeliner and a nude brown lip to complement our artist's skin tone. Her hair was left in a simple updo bun and she wore a camel coloured turtle neck jumper to keep within the brown to nude colour scheme that we were going for. This meant that when we turned off the light and used the dimmer, there were no unnecessary bright colours which is what we were aiming for as in this scene we want the primary focus to be the artist's performance and not her makeup or clothing.


Thursday 27 November 2014

Rough Cut: Applying the Feedback

Now that we have gotten our feedback from our class and teacher, all being very positive and constructive. We have gone back and watched all our footages and decided that we will need extra footage, especially now that we are on the second chorus. So we will film tomorrow  party scene to illustrate the lyrics of 'getting pissed up with my new friends' and a scene where i sit in the conner in a darkened room with a semi bright spotlight that then fades away, this will be effective for us as we want to end our music video with this scene, so as the music fades/ends, light will fade out too.

Hopefully we can film both scenes tomorrow, if not then we will do the corner scene tomorrow and the party scene on monday.

Today's lesson

In todays lesson I filmed the feedback from the rough cut where we got some really good feed back. I tried to put the video on to animoto but it wouldn't play the whole part of the video it would only play 10 seconds and that would have taken way too long to cut from video to video. 

The laptop wouldn't connect to my phone so i couldn't upload it straight from my phone to the laptop so I had to email it to myself but it wouldn't let me send the whole video to myself so I had to send it to myself in 4 different part. Tomorrow I'm gonna connect my phone to my computer and upload the whole video on to blogger later as it looks like they are all 4 different videos.

I will upload it whole at home to make the blog look neater

Rough Cut Feedback-Video

Todays lesson we showed our Rough cut to the whole class which went well as we were able to get mainly good feedback we didn't get so much bad feedback which was good as our Rough cut was only to the chorus. We got told that we need to film more as we are lacking footage to put after the chorus and we can't have the same shots over and over again as it will be too repetative and so we are going to make plans to film tomorrow. We also got told that we need to dull down the colours to show that the couples scenes were in the past and the time now.

What's next?

Some of our rough feedback included points such as:
  • Filming more footage for our video
  • Making sure everything is exactly in frame
  • Desaturating our couple scenes
So I've created a list of things we can do next:

  • Film a scene with our artist drinking and partying with friends
  • We can also film a scene with our artist sitting against a white wall indoors looking emotional as well as singing into and away from the camera.
Seeing as we are using Illustration as the driving force for our video, it would seem appropriate to have scenes illustrating some our lyrics for example lines such as 'Living for the moment getting pissed p with my new friends'

Rough cut

Above is a quicktime video of our rough cut we've only edited up to 1 min 3 secs of our music video. 

Tomorrow's filming

After the feedback we were given in that we needed more scenes for the second half of our video we've decided it best that we film tomorrow (Friday 28th Nov). The weather will be good hopefully and there should be no raining if the weather forecast is correct. We will all be meeting up at 2pm to film our white wall scene.

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Editing process 26th Nov 2014

Today Bernice I stayed in college till 6:30pm to make some more progress on our music video. I edited whilst Bernice was beside me giving me feedback every half an hour on what she thought was strong and what could be improved. I managed to edit just past the chorus adding a new scene to our base track as soon as the chorus starts. I added in the shot of our artist standing against the wall outside and then she gets up from the wall and starts walking forwards on the pavement as the camera tracks her. I also added a pairing shot of our artist walking on the pavement from behind just to play with different angles in our video. I really to use another shot for the start of the chorus which was of our artist walking on the pavement as I personally feel they were framed close to perfectly and were very strong however there are bits where our artist laughs and so it perhaps wouldn't be ideal to use these shots as if our artist is seen to be laughing halfway through an emotional song it may take away from the seriousness of the song.

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Editing process 25th Nov 2014

I was only able to edit for half an hour today and all the media classrooms were closed early however I managed to make good use of the time I had available. I added fades in between the jump cuts so that they were less harsh. But I didn't want to spend too long focusing on the special effects of our music video when we should be focusing on complete our rough cut. After the jump cut scene I added a shot from the purple scene of our artist not singing but just looking into the camera. I got this idea from Beyoncé's 1+1 video where although in the song she's singing in the music video there are parts where she doesn't appear to be singing but rather is emotionally looking away from the camera. I have been able to edit up until the chorus and I hope to have completed the whole music video by Thursday morning.

Facebook fan page

I didnt want to make a real facebook page so i made one on prezi so that ou can see in full detail what the facebook page would look like.

Editing: What's next?

With the rough cut due date fast approaching, we are yet to still add filters and special effects. We had planned not to add any effects and filters until after the rough cut as when we tried this last week it messed up the timing and position of our clips, so we have been advised by Fergus to add all special effects (slow motion) after we have finished everything, so that has to be the final thing we add or else it will wreck our footage. We found out that this problem has occurred due to us using a different camera, this was also the reason why we had to keep rendering every time we edited. Hopefully tomorrow we can finish what's left and by Thursday be able to add effects and just clean up some parts of our footage.

Along our editing process we have been inspired by other videos, recently Antonia was inspired by the Beyonce video of 1+1, particular y the part where you can hear her singing but she is simply staring at the camera with an emotional look on her face. So we used the purple scene to create this, we have found it to be effective and is a nice way to use the extra footage we had.

Monday 24 November 2014

Editing process 24th Nov 2014

Today I managed to get our music video edited right until the chorus. Before today I had already put the scenery shots, purple scene and couple scene into the sequence. I decided to add some jump cuts to our music video just before the chorus which I feel looks very effective because it helps to distinguish the couple scenes from the other shots. I plan to add fades between all the jump cuts so that that cutting between shots doesn't appear to be very harsh. I played what I had edited so far to Bernice and she really liked the jump cut idea so I guess we're definitely going to stick with it. I also am not too comfortable with our opening scenery shot as I don't think the shot is stable enough and the lighting in comparison to our other scenery shot is a lot duller. So, tomorrow I plan to change our opening shot as well as make progress with the rest of our music video.  Our aim is to have finished editing by Wednesday.

Digipak draft 2

 I used Pixlr to edit this picture of bernice and I showed the editing process, this is just a wuick example of what i want the digi pack to look like for the album cover ect. On the right are the tools that are available to use as I don't have photoshop I use this website to make quick edits. The tools they have are very similar to photoshop e.g. crop, brightness, red eye, and text.
this is the original photo of bernice.
Here i added the text so that the audience know the name of the artist. The website is very limited so i cant really do much to the text so I will edit the picture again on photoshop later and I'll make the whole digi pack for example adding a magazine advert, album cover ect.

These are the filters that are available to use for again the website is quite limited and isn't as good as photoshop but i wanted to get a feel of what the album cover would look like.

This is the final edit I made on Pixlr

Applying The Theory: Goodwin

Andrew Goodwin's theory

Todays lesson 24/11/14

Today I wrote about Vernallis' and Goodwins theory and how it applies to our music video for example the slow motion and jump cuts. 

I tried to upload the pitch feedback video that I filmed on the day but it wouldn't let me upload it and it took too long so i'm gonna compress it or find another way of uploading the video also I can't connect my phone to the laptop or mac so I have to wait to get home or something so i can finally upload it. I've tried to upload it before but it takes too long and doesn't upload so I think ill upload the video on animoto when I get home later. 

Applying Andrew Goodwin's and Carol Vernallis' Theory

I think that our music video is illustration because the mood of the song is sad but also happy at the end as the song is about her already getting over the guy she loved and how she's moved on and how she's doing better now that he's gone. We have slow motion in our music video for some shots. We are also having some jump cuts from angle to angle for some shots for example in the flashbacks when she walks in with her ex boyfriend to the house and when they are doing some boyfriend girlfriend scenes. 

Applying The Theory: Mulvey

Editing: 24th

Today Antonia was in control of editing whilst I directed, we had managed to get up to the chorus today and hope we can finish the rest of the music video in time for the rough cut on Thursday. Before reaching the chorus, we had managed to put our purple scenes and couple scenes up and we had added our scenery shots in but did change some of them around again as we didn't like too much

Sunday 23 November 2014

Reflection on Progress blog

Last month my teacher Rebecca went over my blog and gave me a 10 out 20 for my blog. This was because I only had 28 blog posts and they weren't done in enough detail. At this stage of my course I should have at least 50 blog posts and I currently have 65 which means that I am on target. She went over my blog a second time and gave me 15 out of 20. Now I just have to keep it up and keep the hard working momentum so that hopefully I can get an A or higher.

Saturday 22 November 2014

Editing process 20th Nov 2014

Today, I came in to edit whilst Bernice went to go and shoot our scenery shots in central London. Today was a day off for all students in the college but we still made an effort to come in do some editing (That's dedication right!) Once, she had brought the shots to college we got converted the footage to fit the frame that final cut pro is set to, and began editing. We had two places where we wanted to put our scenery shots, one of them being and the very beginning and the other being after the first side shot of our artist. Our first scenery shot is a panning of central London whilst the second one is of cars moving on a motorway. As I was playing with the speed of these shots I discovered a way to reverse the car shot. So the cars are driving and on one of the beats they reverse and then video switches to the purple scene as our artist gets ready to sing the first line of the lyrics.

Friday 21 November 2014

Male actor

This a picture the male actor which features in our music video. His name is Akeeva, and you'll be interested to know he wasn't meant to be our male actor. The original boy who was supposed to be in our music video didn't bother turning up on the day we filmed the couple scene but luckily enough Akeeva was a real gentleman and came up to me volunteering to be in our video. At first it was a bit awkward between Akeeva and Bernice (our artist) as they had only just met and had to act as if they were in love but after a few practices everyone was more relaxed. He was a perfect candidate for our music video as he is a little taller than our artist and does a bit of acting already.

Editing: Scenery Shots Part 2

I went to another location to shoot our scenery, as we didn't want to limit ourselves to one location. I went to a place named 'Shoreditch House', where my brother is a member at so this meant I was allowed into the building. We aren't actually allowed to film here but as I said it was for a school project they kindly let me go to the rooftop and quickly get some snaps and footage. As I had to be so quick, the footage didn't come out as great as i had wanted it to, also we were so high that you can't even see the view properly because there was so much fog. Sadly I don't think we will use any of the footage from 'Shoreditch House' as the footage is too shaky and is very unclear, so it has no use to us.

Above are some quick snaps I managed to take whilst I was on the rooftop.

Thursday 20 November 2014

Editing: Scenery Shots Part 1

This morning I went to record some extra shots for our music video, specifically scenery shots. As we had the day off college, I used this opportunity to go out and to get some panning movements and also some still. Whilst I was shooting Antonia was editing back at college, she had put some text stating where we would put our scenery shots once we had it, by doing this, it was easy for us to edit our scenery shots into our music video.
I took some of the footage I shot and images and made them into toGifs (see below)

Here is one of the footages i shot of cars moving, we will use this and add an effect in which the cars will go forward but then reverse, this will match the time/beat of our song.

This is a Gif of the images I took at Temple, i was standing in various places to get different angles and views, as i didn't want all the shots to be repetitive. I was on a low terrace that looked a cross the river, this also had a lot of trees that were in my view and then i went onto the pavement on the bridge.

Last but not least, I put the panning footage of the river into a gif, I also slowed it down, just to get a feel of how it will look if we were to edit it to make it slower.

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Behind The Scenes

I used animoto to create a behind the scenes short video. the sound doesnt work on the videos anymore for some reason and it doesnt work on my phone either so I just put our song so that it goes with our music video.
throughout the process of filming I have been taking pictures and filming how the process is going so I wanted to show a quick preview of what the Behind the scenes would look after gathering all the footage together and putting it on to final cut pro..

Monday 17 November 2014

Editing process 17th Nov 2014

Today, myself and Bernice stayed on after the lesson and continued to edit. My aim for editing today was to make some progress with the couple scene so that the beginning of our music video could take some shape. Before today the purple scene had been put onto our sequence at the beginning of the video.

Intially, I had started off the couple scene with a mid shot of the artist and her partner walking into their apartment but after watching it over and over decided that this wasn't necessary to include in the video. This taught although we have a lot of footage it doesn't mean we need to include every single thing we shot. That's what editing is for... to cut it down.

After much thought, I decided to have our artist walking in with a close up of her and her partner as the introducing shot for the two of them as I felt this is what was most effective. The video then cuts to the purple scene again for a short while before cutting back to the couple scene, just so that there isn't too much of the couple scene in one go and our viewers don't get bored.

  The next time I get to edit I hope to have added in more footage from the couple scene onto our sequence such as point of view shots so as to heighten the viewer experience for our music video. I also want to make sure I don't spend too long focusing on the couple scene as the rough cut deadline is almost approaching.