Monday 3 November 2014

Reflection: On Feedback

Below is a screenshot of the results of my 1st blogging health check, as you can see it is as a D grade, as I only have 28 posts. I am disappointed by this low grade for my work so far, as I should have around 45 blog posts by now, which also means i am behind.
So to improve I will make sure that I catch up with all the missed blog posts, these are as follows:
  • analysis of previous student work
  • indie v mainstream label analysis
  • analysis of three influential music videos
  • synergy activity
  • when moving into the filming and editing stages to make sure that I blog individually after each filming/editing session giving an overview of what I did and what I felt went well and needed improving. 
  • making sure I am reflecting on my own individual skills, development in research, planning, filming and editing. 
  •  also that all my posts use ICT 
  • lastly as a group to make sure that the 'audience 1' and 'theory' posts from the pitch are completed properly - as some things are missing from them.

By the next blogging health check I want to have completed and added more blogposts, have at least 60 or more post too and to also not be behind or fall behind again.

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